Thông Báo Test -TV

Cách 1: Sử dụng table 2 cols Dharma Master YongHua specializes in teaching joint Chan and Pure Land Buddhism. In particular, he uses the training techniques he acquired from his Chinese Master, the late Patriarch Xuan Hua of the GuiYang Chan lineage and his Vietnamese Master, the late Man Giac of the LinJi lineage.

He wishes to repay his teachers’ kindness by passing on his understanding to the next generation. In 2005 he started propagating Mahayana and has trained many lay people and several monastics. Many of them have attained high samadhi levels through his Nine Samadhi Chan Class.

Thông báo đặc biệt

Thầy sẽ có chuyến đi Đông Nam Á từ ngày 29-04 đến 10-05-2013 (sẽ ghé qua Đài Bắc, TP Hồ Chí Minh và Bangkok). Đây là cơ hội tốt cho những tăng-ni, sa di-ni muốn được huấn luyện tu theo pháp môn Đại Thừa gặp thầy để biết thêm chi tiết. Giới hạn tuyển chọn cho ba người có cá tính như sau:

  • Tính tình chân thật, chính trực, chấp hành nghiêm túc giới luật.
  • Không ngại theo chương trình huấn luyện rất gắt gao, đòi hỏi phải rất tinh tấn như nhiều ân sư và cố Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa đã từng áp dụng.
  • Xả thân vì Pháp để mong thành tựu được pháp môn Đại Thừa trong kiếp này.

Không phân biệt tuổi tác, chủng tộc hay giới tính.

Lu Mountain Temple is now launching an international training program. Left-home people and lay people from anywhere in the world are welcome to apply. Our assembly includes members from over ten nationalities, and Master YongHua lectures in both English and Vietnamese, with live Chinese translation.

However, please know that the training program at Lu Mountain Temple is rigorous, and aims to help cultivators end birth and death, and attain enlightenment. Even ending birth and death (attaining the level of an Arhat) is incredibly difficult to do, and reaching enlightenment is far more difficult. Thus we train cultivators to use the Pure Land Dharma Door as backup plan, so that if they fail this lifetime, they can accomplish their goals in the next lifetime by being reborn to the Pure Land.

Prospective trainees are welcome to visit the temple before they apply. They may also wish to consider joining one of our intensive one-month Chan meditation retreats, one starting in mid December, and the other starting at the end of May.


Cách 2: Sử dụng css trong fieldset style= float: right; width: 300px;

Lu Mountain Temple is now launching an international training program. Left-home people and lay people from anywhere in the world are welcome to apply. Our assembly includes members from over ten nationalities, and Master YongHua lectures in both English and Vietnamese, with live Chinese translation.

Thông báo đặc biệt

Thầy sẽ có chuyến đi Đông Nam Á từ ngày 29-04 đến 10-05-2013 (sẽ ghé qua Đài Bắc, TP Hồ Chí Minh và Bangkok). Đây là cơ hội tốt cho những tăng-ni, sa di-ni muốn được huấn luyện tu theo pháp môn Đại Thừa gặp thầy để biết thêm chi tiết. Giới hạn tuyển chọn cho ba người có cá tính như sau:

  • Tính tình chân thật, chính trực, chấp hành nghiêm túc giới luật.
  • Không ngại theo chương trình huấn luyện rất gắt gao, đòi hỏi phải rất tinh tấn như nhiều ân sư và cố Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa đã từng áp dụng.
  • Xả thân vì Pháp để mong thành tựu được pháp môn Đại Thừa trong kiếp này.

Không phân biệt tuổi tác, chủng tộc hay giới tính.

However, please know that the training program at Lu Mountain Temple is rigorous, and aims to help cultivators end birth and death, and attain enlightenment. Even ending birth and death (attaining the level of an Arhat) is incredibly difficult to do, and reaching enlightenment is far more difficult. Thus we train cultivators to use the Pure Land Dharma Door as backup plan, so that if they fail this lifetime, they can accomplish their goals in the next lifetime by being reborn to the Pure Land.

Prospective trainees are welcome to visit the temple before they apply. They may also wish to consider joining one of our intensive one-month Chan meditation retreats, one starting in mid December, and the other starting at the end of May.

However, please know that the training program at Lu Mountain Temple is rigorous, and aims to help cultivators end birth and death, and attain enlightenment. Even ending birth and death (attaining the level of an Arhat) is incredibly difficult to do, and reaching enlightenment is far more difficult. Thus we train cultivators to use the Pure Land Dharma Door as backup plan, so that if they fail this lifetime, they can accomplish their goals in the next lifetime by being reborn to the Pure Land.

Prospective trainees are welcome to visit the temple before they apply. They may also wish to consider joining one of our intensive one-month Chan meditation retreats, one starting in mid December, and the other starting at the end of May.

However, please know that the training program at Lu Mountain Temple is rigorous, and aims to help cultivators end birth and death, and attain enlightenment. Even ending birth and death (attaining the level of an Arhat) is incredibly difficult to do, and reaching enlightenment is far more difficult. Thus we train cultivators to use the Pure Land Dharma Door as backup plan, so that if they fail this lifetime, they can accomplish their goals in the next lifetime by being reborn to the Pure Land.

Prospective trainees are welcome to visit the temple before they apply. They may also wish to consider joining one of our intensive one-month Chan meditation retreats, one starting in mid December, and the other starting at the end of May.

However, please know that the training program at Lu Mountain Temple is rigorous, and aims to help cultivators end birth and death, and attain enlightenment. Even ending birth and death (attaining the level of an Arhat) is incredibly difficult to do, and reaching enlightenment is far more difficult. Thus we train cultivators to use the Pure Land Dharma Door as backup plan, so that if they fail this lifetime, they can accomplish their goals in the next lifetime by being reborn to the Pure Land.

Prospective trainees are welcome to visit the temple before they apply. They may also wish to consider joining one of our intensive one-month Chan meditation retreats, one starting in mid December, and the other starting at the end of May.

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